Tax Exemption Policy
If you are making a purchase as a tax exempt entity, please follow the steps below. Please note that if a purchase is made prior to the Ballard team confirming tax exempt status in our system, Ballard will not refund any taxes already paid on an order.Step 1:
Create a customer account. All exempt customers must have an account created for us to tie your exemption to. You will always need to order from this account, so it is advised that it be set up under a general account. If you do not log in under the exempt account and place an order, you may be charged taxes and Ballard will not be able to refund for them.
Step 2:
Email tax exemption certificate documents to along with the email address tied to the customer account you have created. If the document you provided is not what we need to have on file, we may send you a different document that will need to be completed.
Step 3:
The Ballard team will then begin the process of validating your exemption status. This process may take up to 7 business days before approval. The process takes place with a 3rd party servicer who must validate the documents provided. Once these are approved, we will follow up with you and give you the all clear to place an order.
Please note that all orders must be shipping to the state listed on your tax exemption status, or else the order will have taxes applied.
Ballard does not accept purchase orders or credit terms with any organization. All purchases must have payment made up front. We do not provide quotes for orders as all pricing is listed clearly on our website. If you need any additional services, please reach out to